Rehab Station

Rehab Station's Landing Page Success in Lead Generation

Rehab Station

Rehab Station's Landing Page Success in Lead Generation

Rehab Station, a physiotherapy clinic, significantly boosted its client base by redesigning its landing page, which enhanced user experience and lead generation effectiveness.

Problem statement:

Rehab Station, while recognised for its exceptional physiotherapy services, struggled to effectively capture and convert online traffic into clients.

Their existing website had a complex navigation structure and lacked engaging content, which led to a high bounce rate and low conversion rate.

The clinic was missing out on potential online leads due to these shortcomings.


The clinic undertook a comprehensive redesign of its landing page. The new design focused on user-friendliness with clear, concise information about the services offered. Key features of the redesign included:

  1. Aesthetic and Responsive Design: A visually appealing layout that was responsive across various devices.
  2. Clear Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: Strategically placed CTA buttons for easy appointment bookings.
  3. Engaging Content: Simplified and engaging content that clearly articulated the benefits of their services.
  4. Testimonials and Success Stories: Real-life stories from past clients to build trust and credibility.
  5. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): Improved SEO practices to increase visibility in search engine results.

Technologies used:




The revamped landing page resulted in a dramatic increase in online engagement. The clinic observed:

  • A significant decrease in bounce rate.
  • An increase in average session duration.
  • A substantial rise in appointment bookings through the website.

The user-friendly design and strategic content placement led to a higher conversion rate, turning website visitors into leads and clients. Rehab Station's experience underscores the importance of a well-crafted digital presence in enhancing business growth in the healthcare sector.

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